Monday, October 29, 2007


What is it about dancing that is so appealing? Put some music on, and suddenly it's cool to jump around and kick at nothing. Granted, there are some who have never been able to make it look cool. But what if a group of people suddenly began dancing without music? I do this whenever I first step onto a dancefloor, but it is not the same. On a dancefloor, you are expected to dance, with or without music. I think it would be incredibly interesting to perform a routine with absolutely no music. It would be very difficult, because there would be nothing to help you keep in time, but just imagine: a dark stage slowly lights to reveal a dozen people lying flat on their backs. 6 are wearing black unitards, 6 are wearing white. They slowly roll forward onto their hands and knees. Suddenly the whites jump to their feet and the blacks down onto their stomachs. They switch, now the whites on their stomachs and the blacks on their feet. Now they all shrink down to the floor again, hugging their knees. One by one they rotate to the left, still hugging their knees. Their arms extend upward, and they topple like dominoes. They roll to their stomachs, all rise this time, with their backs to the audience. It is here that the body of the routine would begin, although at the moment I haven't decided what that would consist of. I know, it sounds extremely odd, and is probably pretty hard to picture. But that is how I would begin a routine with no music.

1 comment:

1930Silentfilm said...

Oh wow, you know your stuff! The dances you talk about are interesting. I am guilty of having no knowledge of the types that you talk--type about. I only know South American dances from my country, doo. Wow, what inspired you to become a dancer?


Do reveal this in the next blog!
Thank you for comforting me of my strange phobia. I sure hope it does not last too long. I probably fell on my head too hard or something!